Licence to Alter/Landlord Consents
Deeds of Variation to Leases
Assisting Leaseholder Owners
Protect Landlord’s Interests
Robson Walsh has vast experience in dealing with residential Licences to Alter, and our skills and expertise in this area enable us to provide clear advice to both Leaseholders and Landlords. Some extensions will require a deed of variation or even a new lease to be sort and granted.
We are regularly appointed to act as the Landlord’s surveyor to monitor Leaseholder works which are often for large and complex Leaseholder alterations projects.
Our services include; drafting management guidelines and regulations on behalf of the Landlord, reviewing and advising on the Leaseholder’s proposals, monitoring of the works on site, and ensuring that all completion documentation is handed over before sign off.
The fees incurred by the Landlord for dealing with the Licence to Alter application includes the appointment of the surveyor. Checking engineer and the solicitor will usually be paid for by the Leaseholder undertaking the alterations works, under the terms of the Lease Agreement.
We can help you protect the Landlords Interests by:
- Providing an independent assessment of the Leaseholder’s proposals and preparing a detailed report highlighting the impact and any long-term implications of the Leaseholder’s works;
- Ensuring the alterations will not have a negative long-term impact on the building fabric or adversely affect other occupiers;
- Ensuring that the formal consent contains appropriate Terms and Conditions;
- Liaising with all interested Stakeholders, to ensure that the Licence application process is dealt with efficiently to avoid claims for delays;
- Monitoring the works to ensure compliance with statutory regulations and good workmanship.
We can assist a Leaseholder Owner seeking consent for Alterations by:
- Guiding you through the Licence application process and preparing and submitting comprehensive applications for Landlords Consent; ensuring the right information is provided to minimise delays;
- Assisting in obtaining landlords consent promptly and ensuring it is not unreasonably withheld;
- Ensuring that the terms and conditions of the consent cover the works and are not onerous to avoid any future complications, such as at the time of Sale.
Licence to Alter/Landlord Consents
Assisting Leaseholder Owners
Protect Landlord’s Interests