Design – Planning and Building Control

Measured Surveys
Feasibility & Sketch Studies
Planning Drawings
Building Control Drawings
Lease/Land Registry Plans

Our experienced team of Chartered Surveyors and Architectural Technicians are able to offer a full range of architectural services.

Residential Architectural Services

In our experience many projects fail due to lack of adequate planning at the initial design stage. There is a plethora of legislation surrounding the building industry these days. Even a relatively minor alteration or extension may require Planning Consent, Building Regulation Approval, Party Wall Notices, and in the case of leasehold properties, Landlord’s Consent.

Architectural Plans

A successful project starts with accurate and easily readable plans. Many projects fail due to inaccurate plans that delay the works on site and lead to additional costs. All our plans are produced by an experienced Architectural Technician, who will ensure that the plans are accurate and comply fully with Planning and Building Regulation requirements.

Planning Permission

Our experienced team can advise you on whether planning consent is required, what is likely to gain consent, submit the application(s) on your behalf and deal with follow-up queries and conditions.

Building Regulations

Robson Walsh can provide full building regulation drawings, structural calculations and construction specification packages for small or large projects; from minor works such as house extensions and loft conversions, up to large scale new build developments and conversions. We keep up to date with amendments made to building regulations, to make sure that your project runs as smoothly as possible.

Lease/Land Registry Plans/Licences

In addition to building construction projects, we are able to provide accurate CAD plans for a variety of purposes; such as record drawings, lease plans, Land Registry plans and Licensing Applications.

Design – Planning and
Building Control

Measured Surveys
Feasibility & Sketch Studies
Planning Drawings
Building Control Drawings
Lease/Land Registry Plans